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Membership Eligibility Requirements

Membership Eligibility Requirements

Becoming a Member Society


In order to be considered for admission as a WPA member society, a psychiatric society:

  • must be national in scope

  • must deal with the whole field of psychiatry

  • must be legally recognised

  • must have been active for a minimum of three years in its country

  • must be aligned with the  goals and ethical standards of the WPA


Another society from the same country, satisfying the above criteria, will be eligible for membership of the WPA provided that there is no or only minimal overlap of membership of the two societies.


  • Societies dealing with the whole field of psychiatry with mixed membership of psychiatrists and non-psychiatrists may be admitted to membership with fees and voting strength determined by the number of psychiatrists.

  • Regional associations with a majority of members residing in countries that do not have a psychiatric society are eligible for admission in the WPA. The relevant provisions applicable to national societies apply to the extent accordingly.

  • The decision to admit a Psychiatric Society in the WPA is made by the WPA General Assembly by a simple majority of votes of those present and voting on the recommendation of the WPA Executive Committee.

  • Termination of membership in the WPA can be effected by resignation. Apart from that, termination or suspension can be effected by a decision of the WPA General Assembly, with a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. Non-payment of dues for three consecutive years will lead to the submission of a proposal to the WPA General Assembly for termination.

  • Failure to cooperate or respond to a request from the Ethics and Review Committee in investigating ethical complaints may lead to expulsion from the WPA.

  • In exceptional circumstances the WPA Executive Committee may suspend a WPA Member Society in accordance with the provisions of the WPA By-laws. 


Becoming an Affiliate Association


Please contact the WPA Secretariat for information on becoming an Affiliate Association member.  

To see a full list of current WPA affiliate associations, please click here.


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