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Meetings Forms for Download

Forms for Download

We're currently working on making all our forms available for completion online.  In the meantime, please find below the forms you might need to help organise your meeting with WPA.  Please check back soon for the online forms.


WPA Congresses 2020-2023


Organising a Regional or Thematic Congress

Expression of Interest

General Characteristics


WPA World Congress

Sample Programme

Suggested Timetable


WPA Regional Congress

Sample Programme

Suggested Timetable

Budget Template


WPA Thematic Congress

Sample Programme

Suggested Timetable

Budget Template



WPA Co-Sponsored Meetings


As of 16 May 2019, charges will apply to WPA Co-sponsored Meetings and WPA CPD Credits where relevant.


There is no charge for member societies and scientific sections requesting a WPA co-sponsored meeting. Fees are payable by any member society, scientific section or other organization requesting WPA CPD Credits.  A full description of charges can be found on page 6 of the WPA Application Form.


WPA Application Form

WPA Guideline on Endorsement for CPD Credits

WPA General Characteristics

WPA Scientific Meetings Policy

WPA Summary Report



About WPA
The WPA is the global association representing 145 psychiatric societies in 121 countries, and bringing together more than 250,000 psychiatrists.  It promotes collaborative work in psychiatry through its 70+ scientific sections, education programs, publications and events. 
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