Evidence Based Psychiatry
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The concept of being ‘Evidence-based’ is relatively novel for Psychiatry, which has a long tradition of an individualised and idiosyncratic approach rather than of a scientific abstractive-ness. Being evidence-based means that the clinical practice should be founded primarily upon the best data available, coming from well-designed and carefully interpreted quantitative research studies.
This approach decreases the value of intuition and emphasises the importance of learning from rigorous scientific research. It heralds that more effective psychiatric practice would result from better utilisation of its research base in combination with clinical wisdom and that psychiatrists using this approach will be in a position to provide superior patient care. The mission of the Evidence Based Psychiatry Section is to promote the evidence-based approach as the core principle in the understanding of the causes of mental illnesses, the development of treatments and preventive strategies, and the promotion of public mental health.
Section Officers

Kostas N. Fountoulakis
3rd Department of Psychiatry Division of Neurosciences School of Medicine Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki 6, Odysseos street (1st Parodos, Ampelonon str.) 55535
PournariPylaia Thessaloniki, Greece
Phone: +30 2310 994622
Mobile: +30 2310 994622
(Hosp. AHEPA) mobile: +30 6945776935 (including Viber and Whatsapp)
E-mail: kfount@med.auth.gr; kostasfountoulakis@gmail.com
Skype: kostasfountoulakis@skype.com

Aysegul Yıldız
Professor of Psychiatr, DokuzEylül University
Department of Psychiatry European College of Neuropsychopharmacology,
Scientific Advisory Panel Founding Director, Depression & Bipolar Disorder Foundation-DUVAK www.duygudurumvakfi.com
E-mail: agul_yildiz@hotmail.com

Jelena Vrublevska
M.D., Ph.D Asst. Prof. Department of Psychiatry and Narcology Leading Researcher,
Institute of Public Health Riga Stradins University Riga Stradins University Tvaika str. 2,
Riga LV 1005,
Latvia phone: +371 67080131
(Department of Psychiatry and Narcology) mobile.: +371 26411439 (including viber and WhatsApp)
E-mail: vrublevskaja@inbox.lv
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