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Army Boots


Military Psychiatry is one of the subcategories of Psychiatry that covers specific aspects of mental health within the military context. It encompasses preventive measures, treatment, and research. Preventive measures are evidence-based interventions to optimize the readiness and resilience of serving personnel across the deployment cycle (e.g. alcohol awareness, sleep hygiene, stress management, anger management, grounding technique etc).


Emergency psychiatric treatment is delivered during war time usually on-site (e.g. psychological first aid, initial psychotherapeutic and pharmacological treatment etc.) with the aim to reduce the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity within the military context. Treatment in peacetime focus on screening, diagnosing, and treating patients that may be current or retired military personnel and their families. Research in the field of military psychiatry provides better insight in mental health issues within the military context and the basis for improvement of the existing interventions.

Section officers


Address: Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine University of Rijeka,
Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka,
Referral Center for PTSD of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia,
Mihanovićeva 1,
51000, Rijeka,





Kristina Adorjan

Address: University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
University of Bern
Bolligenstrasse 111, 3000 Bern,



Elspeth Cameron Ritchie.jpg

Elspeth Cameron Ritchie

Address: Medstar Washington Hospital Center
Department of Psychiatry
110 Irving St NW
Washington DC 20010, USA


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Military Psychiatry

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