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Perinatal Psychiatry and Infant Mental Health

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Family Time


Our Section comprises adult psychiatrists, child psychiatrists, and psychologists, both from clinical and research domains, who work with mentally disturbed parents and their very young children. The main goal of this Section is to bridge between adult and infant psychiatry, as to increase the awareness about the need to treat not only the parent's illness but also its impact on the parenting behaviours and the parent-child relationship, as well as the impact of the infant's characteristics on the parent's mental health. Until the appearance of COVID 19, we had at each world congress of the WPA one or two symposia, often in collaboration with another Section (such as the Transcultural one) and other organisations (such as Marce and WAIMH).


Since the pandemic, we have presented a symposia at the last WPA Hybrid conference in summer 2021 and we have submitted another one for the Thematic Conference, Athens, June 2022. We have recently refreshed our members list and we hope to be able to organize zoom meetings in-between the congresses. As we are a small Section, we have no budget of our own.

Section Officers



Prof. Miri Keren (M.D.)

Ass. Prof. (Emeritus) Tel Aviv University Medical School
Hakalanit 19,
Kfar Saba 4428060


Gisèle Apter (M.D.)

Prof. Child and adolescent Psychiatry
Groupe Hospitalier du Havre
University of Rouen Rouen
Gisele Apter.JPG


Nicole Garett-Gloanec - Secretary - Peri

Nicole Garret-Gloanec 

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Society of Psychiatric Information
7 rue Sainte Apolline
Paris 75003

>> Please click here to view the Section Members list.

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The WPA is the global association representing 145 psychiatric societies in 121 countries, and bringing together more than 250,000 psychiatrists.  It promotes collaborative work in psychiatry through its 70+ scientific sections, education programs, publications and events. 
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