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100 YEARS of Pierre Pichot


On May 29, 2018 a solemn meeting of the oldest psychiatric society of France, Societe medico-psychologique, dedicated to the centenary of Professor Pierre Pichot, former president of the World Psychiatric Association (1977-1983), was held in Paris at St. Anne's Hospital. P. Pichot, a disciple of Jean Delay, a man of great erudition and encyclopedic knowledge, is one of the founders of the psychometric method in our discipline, the author of well-known works on the history of psychiatry. Unfortunately, the jubilee himself could not personally welcome the guests, but the conference participants spoke in detail about the role of Professor Pichot in the activities of the WPA, WHO and other international organizations, his views on the development of psychiatry, and his scientific achievements. 

The participants learned a lot of interesting information about P.Pichot's connections with psychiatrists of Japan, Mexico, Spain, about his fruitful scientific cooperation with scientists of other countries. The vice-president of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists Prof.P.Morozov welcomed the jubilee and told about meetings and joint work with P.Pichot, about his caring attitude towards young colleagues. The WPA was represented at the conference by the member of the Executive Committee, Prof. M.Botbol.

Peter Morozov In the photo: emblem of the conference (P.Pichot’s drawing)

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