WPA is delighted to announce publication of the newest addition to its Integrating Psychiatry and Primary Care book series: An International Perspective on Disasters and Children’s Mental Health.
Edited by valued WPA contributors, Christina Hoven and Lawrence Amsel as well as WPA’s Ethics Committee Chairperson Sam Tyano, the book is the culmination of thoughtful input from many individuals and a timely addition to the growing discussion around how natural and man-made disasters affect the mental health of society's most vulnerable people.
In the publication Acknowledgements it is noted that "the driving concept was to include chapters that reflect the invaluable contributions to children’s mental health being made by local researchers, clinicians, and policy makers throughout the world" with each chapter aiming to "give a voice to their work".
An overview of the book is available for download in the Publications section of the WPA website. The full text can be purchased here.