A new, free-to-access, online public mental health training module has recently been launched at https://www.minded.org.uk/Component/Details/632895.
It covers:
· Impacts of mental disorder and wellbeing;
· Associated risk factors, protective factors and higher risk groups;
· Effective public mental health interventions and associated economic impacts;
· Public mental health intervention implementation gap and how to assess this; and
· How to improve population access to public mental health interventions.
The session is aimed at practitioners and trainees in public health, primary care, secondary mental health care, social care, commissioning and policy development.
The module has been written by Dr Jonathan Campion (Director for Public Mental Health at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust), edited by Dr Raphael Kelvin (National Clinical Lead, MindEd Consortium) and co-produced with Health Education England.
Dr Afzal Javed, President Elect of the World Psychiatric Association said:
"The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) welcomes this public mental health training module which is a timely initiative. Public mental health is a central part of WPA's action plan for 2020-2023, and this module will support this action plan and a more integrated approach to public mental health both in the UK and internationally. The WPA looks forward to sharing this resource with our membership to support the sustainable reduction of mental disorder and promotion of population mental wellbeing."

For further information, contact Jonathan Campion at Jonathan.Campion@slam.nhs.uk
Author: Jonathan Campion