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Prestigious Pakistan Civil Award Bestowed on WPA President, Dr. Afzal Javed

Updated: Aug 24, 2022

Prestigious Pakistan Civil Award Bestowed on WPA President, Dr. Afzal Javed, for his services to Pakistan and Internationally

Dr. Afzal Javed, WPA, President Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan

President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi, conferred Pakistan civil awards on Pakistani citizens as well as foreign nationals as part of the country’s recent 75th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary celebrations.

The chosen few were given awards for showing excellence and courage in their different fields.

The current World Psychiatric Association (WPA) President, Dr. Muhammad Afzal Javed, was awarded the SITARA-I-IMTIAZ for his services to Pakistan, more specifically for his work in promoting mental health within Pakistan and internationally. Dr. Afzal Javed is an executive committee member of Lahore Mental Health Association and is actively involved in the running of Fountain House Lahore in Pakistan.

The investiture ceremony of these awards will take place on Pakistan Day, March 23 2023.

The full list of award recipients can be viewed here.

The WPA would like to offer sincere congratulations to Dr. Afzal Javed for this well deserved award.

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The WPA is the global association representing 145 psychiatric societies in 121 countries, and bringing together more than 250,000 psychiatrists.  It promotes collaborative work in psychiatry through its 70+ scientific sections, education programs, publications and events. 
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