Following a successful 2022 WPA Exchange Program, the winners of the "Best World Psychiatry Exchange Program – success story" Award

At the end of 2021, the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Early Career Psychiatrists (ECP) Section announced the first edition of the World Psychiatry Exchange Program, offering both in-person and remote exchanges. There was a lot of interest in this initiative with 49 eager applicants from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Throughout 2022, early career psychiatrists were able to participate in their Exchanges in different parts of the world. Participants gained valuable exposure to different ways of working and thinking about mental health, at an early stage of their careers, while hosts were able to experience different views and inputs from the highly motivated early career psychiatrists.
As per the WPA President's initiative, we have also promoted the Exchange program through the “Best World Psychiatry Exchange Program – a success story” award which recognises the outstanding contributions of the participants who have actively engaged in an exchange program. The three awardees, facilitated by WPA, received a diploma, will have the opportunity to present their exchange experience and outputs at a special session during the WPA Congress and received a monetary contribution (1st prize: 1000 USD, 2nd prize: 500 USD, 3rd prize: 250 USD). The evaluation process considered their engagement in the World Psychiatry Exchange Program, presentations in both the host and home countries, preparation and publication of scientific articles connected with the WPA Exchange Program, presentations in academic conferences about their WPA Exchange and their contributions to the WPA ECP Section,
And the winners are:

1st prize winner: Vinicius Belinati from Brazil (did his Exchange in the UK)

2nd prize winner: Cyrine Ben Said from Tunisian (did her Exchange in Iran)

3rd prize winner (ex-aequo): Abdullahi Akilui from Nigeria (did his Exchange in Tunisia)

3rd prize winner (ex-aequo): Chandrima Naskar from India (did her Exchange in New Zealand)
Vinicius Belinati Loureiro said “It's such an honor to receive this award. I have no doubt that the program was a dream come true and has contributed a lot to my academic and personal growth. Therefore, I highly recommend that all psychiatrists participate, as it is an excellent opportunity to broaden their network with several experts and improve academic activity, research, and clinical practice. Thanks, WPA, SLAM, KCL, Professor Javed, and special thanks to Dr. Mariana Pinto da Costa for this opportunity. I wish this program grows even more, and it will be an honor to be part of this project.”
You can view Vinicius Belinati's video, which was submitted as part of his entry here.
This year the second edition of the World Psychiatry Exchange Program is in progress, with early career psychiatrists having the opportunity to be at additional host institutions across the world. The third edition in 2023 is being prepared with a call for institutions currently open for early career psychiatrists who will do their Exchanges in 2024.
The success of the World Psychiatry Exchange Program is proof that international exchanges are a win-win, helping early career psychiatrists grow, learn, and connect with colleagues from around the world. It allows the expansion of horizons and building bridges across borders in the world of psychiatry.
Congratulations to all winners for their well-deserved recognition. We are proud to have you as part of our community.
Author: Mariana Pinto da Costa, Chair of the Early Career Psychiatrists Section and Secretary of the Section on Education of the World Psychiatric Association