We are pleased to announce that the Q4 2023 edition of the WPA Review has now been published!
Similar to previous releases, all WPA members will receive the eNewsletter via email, featuring concise reports submitted by our esteemed members worldwide. Additionally, you can access this edition (as well as past editions) of the eNewsletter here.
The WPA Review - Q4 2023 includes a wide range of reports, highlighting the latest developments and events since our previous edition.
In this first edition of the eNewsletter under Prof. Danuta Wasserman, WPA's new President, she includes an introduction to the Action Plan for her triennium. With this strategic initiative, Prof. Wasserman aims “to transcend traditional boundaries, extending mental health advancements beyond the realms of psychiatry and medicine and into the very fabric of society.” You can read the Action Plan here.
We look forward to continuing this great initiative as we strive to provide our members with the latest updates, insights and innovations in psychiatry and mental health.
If you would like to submit a report, please carefully read the “Steps to submitting your contributions” here and the report submission template here. Please note, reports not adhering to the guidelines will not be accepted.
Please email all submission to: enewsletter@wpanet.org by the 10th March 2024.
Thank you to everybody who has contributed to the this edition and to those who have collaborated in making this possible. We hope you enjoy reading the reports.
Author: WPA