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A Collaborative Effort for Global Mental Health

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The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) is proud to announce its collaboration with the University of Bern for the upcoming launch of a Competence Center of Global Mental Health Research.


The establishment of the University of Bern Competence Center of Global Mental Health Research represents a strategic partnership with key stakeholders, including the Department of Health, Social Services and Integration of the Canton of Bern (GSI), the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bern, and international partners such as the Jimma University in Ethiopia. Other collaborators include the Swiss Brain Health Initiative and the University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Bern (UPD).

The primary aim of the Competence Center is to address global mental health challenges through education, research, and policy development, particularly in regions where mental health resources are limited. The Center will serve as a WPA Collaborating Center, a designation that highlights its potential as a major hub for research, higher education, and international collaboration.


​Relevant links:

​University of Bern to Launch Global Mental Health Research Center in Collaboration with WPA


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