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Standing Committees

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What are Standing Committees?

The nine Standing Committees of WPA play a key advisory and decision-making role within the association.  Comprising Planning, Publications, Education, Sections, Meetings, Ethics and Review, Finances and Fundraising, Nominations, and Accreditation, each committee works to make recommendations to the Executive for review and approval.

Image by Scott Graham


Committee Members

Conference Room

Scientific Meetings

Exhibition Space

WCP 2024
Organising Committee

Committee Members

Image by Green Chameleon

Education & Publications

Reviewing the Laws

Ethics & Review

Meeting at the office

WCP 2024 Local Organising Committee

Image by Morgan Housel

Scientific Sections

Image by Michael Longmire

Finances & Fundraising

About WPA
The WPA is the global association representing 145 psychiatric societies in 121 countries, and bringing together more than 250,000 psychiatrists.  It promotes collaborative work in psychiatry through its 70+ scientific sections, education programs, publications and events. 
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