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Women's Mental Health

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Three Women


The Women's Mental Health (WMH) Section main purpose is to provide objective research findings and to inform health practitioners, researchers, policy makers, and the public about disparities between women and men in regard to risk, prevalence, presentation, course, and treatment of mental disorders.


The WMH section aims to promote international and interdisciplinary collaboration between psychiatrists , mental health practitioners and government institutions so that appropriate sex- and gender-based interventions can be developed and used to enhance women’s overall wellbeing.

The WMH section has already published a position statements on the role of violence and discrimination in the genesis of mental health problems in women as well as a curriculum to be used in clinical and academic centres. These 2 documents have been approved and published in 5 languages.


Another matter of importance for the WMH section is that women’s mental health issues are always on the agendas of the thematic, regional and world WPA conferences. Finally the WMH targets to ensure a significant presence of women within WPA scientific and executive committees.

Section Officers


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Florence Thibaut

Address: Psychiatry/Addictive Disorders
University Hospital Cochin (Site Tarnier)

89 rue d'Assas, 75006 Paris, France

University Paris 




Mehnaz Zafar

Address: Consultant Psychiatrist and Head of Community Psychiatry Services
Al Amal hospital, Emirates Health Services 



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Krishna Patel

Address: Psychiatrist (SAS Doctor - General Adult)

North Westminster CMHH,

7A Woodfield Road,

London W9 2NW

United Kingdom


Section Advisors


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Natalia Semenova

Address: Associate Professor
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


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Gail Robinson

Address: Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toronto


>> Please click here to see the Section Members list

Section Activities

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  • October 2023 - Scientific & Education Programme focusing on the International Collaboration in the field of Healthcare and Neuropsychiatry Supervised by: 

  • Republican Specialized Scientific & Practical Medical Center for Mental Health of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan and the International Centre for Education & Research in Neuropsychiatry (ICERN) of the FBSEU Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

  • The programme included:

  • Women’s mental health challenges in the XX1st Century and Women and Addiction, both by Prof. Florence THIBAUT (Chair of the Women's Mental Health Section of the WPA, University Paris Cité, University Hospital Cochin (AP-HP), Institute of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Paris, France)

  • 30th October 2023 - Varenna Foundation's event on the topic of "Female behavioural addictions" in Milan, Italy. To download the slides by Marc Potenza (Yale University (USA) professor) click here.​​​



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  • 14th November 2023 - Ruby Castilla was invited as a Keynote Speaker at the U23 Fest at Alma Mater in Colombia: Universidad Industrial de Santander. Her conference title was: "Glass ceilings: why despite our advances does the gap persist? " 




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  • 8th April 2024 (during the 32nd Congress of the EPA in Budapest) - Scientific meeting in collaboration with the Women's Mental Health Section of the European Psychiatric Association. The programme included:

  • Welcome and Introduction by Prof. Tamas Kurimay (Chair of the Women Mental Health Section of the European Psychiatric Association Head of the Buda Family Centered Mental Health Centre, Department of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Rehabilitation Teaching Department of Semmelweis University, Budapest Hungary)

  • Women’s mental health is everybody’s business: current challenges, some solutions by Prof. Florence Thibaut (Chair of the Women's Mental Health Section of the World Psychiatric Association, University Paris Cité, University Hospital Cochin (AP-HP) INSERM U1266, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurosciences Paris France

  • UEMS and opportunities to mainstream women's mental health across Europe by Dr. Marisa Casanova Dias (President of the European Union of Medical Specialists Psychiatry Section Secretary of the European Psychiatric Association Section of Women and Mental Health, Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK)


About WPA
The WPA is the global association representing 145 psychiatric societies in 121 countries, and bringing together more than 250,000 psychiatrists.  It promotes collaborative work in psychiatry through its 70+ scientific sections, education programs, publications and events. 
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